- Opis proizvoda
HJS-60 Dvostruko horizontalno betonski mikser
This equipment is new type experimental concrete mixer designed and manufactured according to the JG244-2009 standards of the main technical parameters promulgated by the ministry of housing construction.It can mix the gravel, sand, cement and water mixture stipulated in the standards to form homogeneous concrete material for testing use, for the determination of cement standard consistency, setting time and production cement stability test block; To je neophodna oprema u poduzećima za proizvodnju cementa, građevinskim poduzećima, fakultetima i sveučilištima, znanstvenim istraživačkim jedinicama i laboratorijima za nadzor kvalitete; Također se može primijeniti na druge zrnate materijale ispod 40 mm miješanja.
Struktura proizvoda uključena je u obvezni standard nacionalne industrije-
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